The Fresh Fruits Environmental Pledge As human beings, the world is our garden, and as such we have a responsibility to look after it—to ensure that the environment is maintained and that the benefit we accrue from it is safe and sustainable. At Fresh Fruits, we take this responsibility very seriously indeed. We look at the whole process: We enquire about the use of fertilisers and pesticides, demanding compliance with the highest national and international standards from all of our suppliers. We insist that wherever possible we use the most energy-efficient methods of transportation to bring your customers the quality produce they demand. We ensure that as much as we can, we use methods of storage and delivery that have the least environmental impact. We look to constantly diminish our
The Fresh Fruits Environmental Pledge
As human beings, the world is our garden, and as such we have a responsibility to look after it—to ensure that the environment is maintained and that the benefit we accrue from it is safe and sustainable.
At Fresh Fruits, we take this responsibility very seriously indeed.
We look at the whole process:
- We enquire about the use of fertilisers and pesticides, demanding compliance with the highest national and international standards from all of our suppliers.
- We insist that wherever possible we use the most energy-efficient methods of transportation to bring your customers the quality produce they demand.
- We ensure that as much as we can, we use methods of storage and delivery that have the least environmental impact.
- We look to constantly diminish our carbon footprint in every area of our business, reducing energy and water use, including educating our staff in the reduction and recycling of resources.
- We aim to use sustainable sources for all our packaging.
- We have facilities for recycling of plastic, glass, cans and cardboard.
At Fresh Fruits, the environment is a major concern, for our children, and for the generations to come.